Qingdao Aquavoltaic System

Generating solar energy to sustainably power a hydrogen production plant.

The Vision

With the sun shining on 300 acres of surface area across an aquafarm in Shandong, solar power generation was a clear choice to sustainably power the province’s first green hydrogen production plant in Qingdao City. SP Group’s partnership with Qingdao Daneng Environmental Protection Equipment Co. Ltd (Qingda Environment), a leading local provider of environmental technology solutions, helped to realise the green dream.

Our Solution

In collaboration with Qingda Environment, SP will invest and build a 90-Megawatt (MW) aquavoltaic farm. The project is expected to produce 162 million kilowatt-hours of green electricity annually, while reducing carbon emissions by 160,000 tonnes. To enhance Qingdao’s sustainability journey, we can maximise the usage of space by combining both an aquafarm with solar power generation.


MW capacity
162 million
kWh of clean electricity annually
tonnes of reduced carbon emissions annually

Success Stories

Read more about our Renewable Energy success story here. 

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