Long before the iconic Marina Bay Sands was even built with the Singapore Government had a far-sighted vision: they wanted to deploy an energy- and space- efficient innovative way of cooling for not only one building, but multiple large buildings in the Marina Bay area, using electricity as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. We were engaged to design, build and then operate what would become the world’s largest underground district cooling network when it began operations in 2006. It was a big challenge – especially at a time before anyone was as familiar with the idea of district cooling as they are today. But it was a challenge we were more than ready to rise to.
Today, that vision is not just a reality, but it is already proving its longevity and value over time. Currently, our district cooling operations serve 23 buildings, and will expand to 28 buildings by 2026 – a reflection of the power of thinking big and the economies of scale that can come with it. The district cooling system reduces carbon emissions by up to 20,000 tonnes annually – the equivalent of removing 17,672 cars from our roads. And with a centralised cooling system, it frees up space for commercial development in this most valuable district of Singapore.
Read more about our district cooling success stories here.