International Urban Design Centre, Wuhou

Retrofitting for greener district in China

The Masterplan

The People’s Government of Wuhou District, Chengdu, have an ambitious vision for a greener future. Their masterplan is to transform Wuhou (the largest of five internal districts of Chengdu, and home to over 1 million people) into a smart eco-district – rejuvenating the area, and converting existing buildings into sustainable ecosystems that drive economic growth, innovation and cultural engagement for the entire province.


A Holistic Solution

Achieving the goal was not a matter of picking just one sustainable solution, but rather a blend of sustainable solutions all working together in harmony:


DISTRICT COOLING AND HEATING: SP will design, build, own and operate an integrated energy solution that includes an extensive district cooling and heating system, in the first instance for four existing buildings with an estimated gross floor area of 48,000 sqm.


SMART METERING: This includes developing and implementing technologies and digital solutions such as advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence tools to support the city’s roadmap to carbon neutrality.


ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING: This will provide building owners with real-time insights on their energy and utilities usage data to help them optimise building performance, energy efficiency and comfort for end users.

Watch Now

Watch this short video to see how we have introduced China’s first ever district cooling microgrid to the newly redesigned International Urban Design Centre in Wuhou District, Chengdu. 

Read Our Story Here
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Success Stories

Read more about our Integrated Energy Solutions success stories here. 

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